Spelling for Kids, Parents, Homeschoolers and Teachers
Books for Kids (British and American versions) see below
Word Searches, Exercises and Quizzes for Kids
Posts and Guest Posts on Teaching Spelling to Kids
Trainee Teacher QTS Spelling book and QTS Spelling Tests

Joanne Rudling

Spelling for (KS1) Ages 6+ (British and American Versions)

Spelling Rules for Kids Book 1 for Ages 7+ (British and American versions)

Ages 8-9 (KS2) (USA 3rd-4th grade)

Ages 10-11 (KS2) (USA 5th grade)

Spelling Quizzes and Word Searches

Interesting Guest Lessons on Spelling

QTS Spelling Strategies book

QTS Tests

Dyslexia books for kids (American English)
Some of the things I cover in my spelling books for kids.