Spelling Lessons
Check out the free lessons below.
Spelling can be learned. Nobody is born a good speller. You can learn to spell well too.
Most of the lessons include a video & exercise. Check out the sections below.
Top Five Lessons from Google Analytics (May 2024):
3. Spelling Ordinal Numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th)
4. Making plurals with words ending on -o
5. Adding -ly

Index of all spelling lessons

The Five Foundation Blocks of Spelling

Back to Basics Lessons - days, months, numbers

Spelling Rules + plural rules

Top Ten Spelling Tips + more pro tips & stories

Building words with prefixes & suffixes

Common Endings

Shorty Spelling Rules (revision videos)

SIlent Letters

Common misspelled words

Homophones + near homophones, and confusing words

Letter Patterns and Word Families

British vs American spelling

Spelling strategies and methods

Key Vocabulary, Standard English, Speech Sounds

Punctuation - to help your spelling and writing

Online courses, apps, individual lessons
Spelling Courses
If you want to do an in-depth spelling course, check out my spelling courses below with new videos, exercises, spelling tests, private notebook, app version, and PDF revision sheets on udemy.com