Ages 8-9 (Years 3-4 KS2) and (USA 3rd-4th grade)
The British book is based on the UK curriculum for this age group.
The American book follows this curriculum too because there isn't a standard curriculum in the US.
Check out the spelling tip videos below.
Key Words — Statutory Words to Learn (For UK only, KS2)
Word Study
Using Memory Tricks to Remember Your Spelling
Word Art and Drawing Pictures
Spotting Vowels
Words within Words
Remembering Which Homophone is Which
Building Words with Root Words, Prefixes and Suffixes
Prefix Rules and Exceptions
Spelling Rules
Drop the ‘e’
Adding -ly to Words
-ar Endings
The Doubling Up Rules — When and Why
Adding -es to words
-tion, -sion, -cian
Key Words — Statutory Words to Learn (For UK only, KS2)
Word Study
Using Memory Tricks to Remember Your Spelling
Word Art and Drawing Pictures
Spotting Vowels
Words within Words
Remembering Which Homophone is Which
Building Words with Root Words, Prefixes and Suffixes
Prefix Rules and Exceptions
Spelling Rules
Drop the ‘e’
Adding -ly to Words
-ar Endings
The Doubling Up Rules — When and Why
Adding -es to words
-tion, -sion, -cian
Go to your local Amazon site to buy the book or click one of these:,,,,, etc.
“I have all your books which I used to help my son in primary school. He was very confident in school after we use your books and videos and it was like he learned when he played. Thanks to these books I improved my spelling too (English is not my first language). Thank you Joanne. ”