Common Misspellings Spelling Test - letters l - o
Press the player above and write the spellings you hear. I'll say the spellings quickly then again slowly.
Have you got some paper and a pen ready?
1. liaise (Schools in the city all need to liaise more closely.)
Remember the second i: liaise
Notice the 2 i's - l i a i se
2. liaison (The company has established a good liaison with local communities.)
Remember the second i: liai son -
Notice the 2 i's - l i a i son
3. millennium (People celebrating the millennium filled the streets. )
Double l + double n millennium
mill /en/ ni / um
4. necessary (It's necessary to cut some services.)
one c + two sās
Use a saying to remember this: "It's necessary to Cut Some Services."
5. noticeable (There's been a noticeable improvement in her health.)
notice + able.
We don't drop the 'e' because it keeps the "c" soft. Check out the "Drop the 'e' rule"
6. occasion (I'll let you off on this occasion.)
two cs, one s - oc ca sion - occa + sion
Can you think of a saying to help spell this?
7. occurred (The police said that the accident occurred at about 4.30 pm.)
occur, occurred, occurring two c's, two r's.
We double up the final "r" because the second syllable is stressed - see the 1:1:1 doubling up rule
8. occurrence (Unfortunately, computer errors are a common occurrence.)
two cs, two rs, -ence not -ance occur, occurred, occurring, occurrence.
We double up the final "r" because the second syllable is stressed - see the 1:1:1 doubling up rule