Magic 'e' Silent 'e' Spelling Test

Write what you hear, and then check your spellings carefully letter by letter. Answers 1. I quit my job because it was quite stressful, now my life is quiet. 2. I give my children a huge hug every evening. 3. I'm writing to tell you my tap is leaking and wrapped in tape. 4. I'm mad with myself because I made a mistake. 5. I hope you'll hop on the bus one day and come and see me soon, we'll have a bite to eat and a bit of my apple pie. 6. I sit and work on this website every evening, I hope you use it. 7. I ate at a really interesting restaurant on Wednesday. (Sorry this not on test.) 8. When I spin round my spine hurts. (Sorry this not on test.) 9. My life is quite quiet now I live by the sea. 10. It wasn't a mistake to protest about our wages because they gave us a pay rise. 11. The volume button isn't working. 12. Please take a deep breath - breathe in slowly and breathe out.

Press the player, write what you hear, and after check your spellings carefully.
Then assess your mistakes and ask yourself what strategies you can use to help you remember the words.

Answers below.


Answers to the spelling test

1. I quit my job because it was quite stressful, now my life is quiet.

2. I give my children a huge hug every evening.

3. I'm writing to tell you my tap is leaking and wrapped in tape.

4. I'm mad with myself because I made a mistake.

5. I hope you'll hop on the bus one day and come and see me soon, we'll have a bite to eat and a bit of my apple pie.

6. I sit and work on this website every evening, I hope you use it.

7. I ate at a really interesting restaurant on Wednesday. 

8. When I spin round my spine hurts. 

9. My life is quite quiet now I live by the sea.

10. It wasn't a mistake to protest about our wages because they gave us a pay rise.

11. The volume button isn't working.

12. Please take a deep breath - breathe in slowly and breathe out.