One rule we learn at school is the memory trick, "i before e except after c."

“i before e” = -ie- = believe field, believe, niece, piece
”except after c” = -ei- = receive, receipt, ceiling

Do we always use ei after c? Unfortunately, no.
Look at these words with -ie- or -ei- after the c. Read them aloud.

ancient, efficient, science, society, seize, receipt, receive, deceive, ceiling

Do you notice that the -cei- words have different sounds?

These words have a "sh" sound: ancient, efficient

And these have a "s" sound: science, society, seize

receipt, receive, deceive, ceiling have a long vowel "ee" sound

So we need to change the spelling rule to - "i before e except after a long c" or "i before e so long as the word rhymes with bee."

Rules!!! Hard to explain and always exceptions!!!

This exercise is taken from my Spelling Rules Course.

Use the memory trick saying: “ i before e except after a long c” (compare these achieve, receive)
“i before e when there’s a “sh” sound” (ancient)
“i before e but not when there’s an “ay” sound in neighbo(u)r and weigh”

Now do the spelling test

Pen and paper at the ready. There are 12 words just write the word or if you want to write the sentence too. Enjoy and don’t worry about mistakes.

Howtospell ICON.jpg

Check your spelling letter by letter. If you’ve made a mistake, notice why. Can you use a memory trick saying?


1. piece — piece of paper.

2. believe —believe you.

3. eight — The number eight

4. relief — It's a relief the work has finished.

5. received — received your parcel today.

6. weigh — How much do you weigh?

7. brief — I'll be brief.

8. society — Never forget that we live in a multicultural society.

9. height — What's the height of this wardrobe?

10. neighbours/ neighbors (AmE) — My neighbours/neighbors (American)  are friendly.

11. efficient — This freezer is very efficient.

12. receipt — Would you like your receipt?