-ie- or -ei-

"i before e except after c" is a useful memory trick saying and helps me with remembering some of these letter patterns but not all.

“i before e” = believe field, believe, niece, piece “except after c” (ei) = receive, receipt, ceiling (these make long “cee” sound)

“i before e except after a long c "

Do we always use ei after c? Unfortunately, no.

Look at these words with ie or ei after the c. Read them aloud.

ancient, efficient, sufficient, science, society, seize, receipt, receive, deceive, ceiling

Do you notice that the -cei- words have different sounds?

"sh" sound: ancient, efficient, sufficient

"suh" sound: science, society

“see” receipt, receive, deceive, ceiling 

So we need to change the spelling rule to - "i before e except after a long c” or "i before e so long as the word rhymes with bee."

We also have neigbour/neighbor, weigh, weight, eight, freight, sleigh, with an “ay” sound: “i before e except when sounds like neighbour/neighbor and weigh.”

Rules can be hard to remember because there are always exceptions!!!

Now try the i before e the quizzes and the spelling test below.


1. A piece of paper.

2. I believe you.

3. The number eight

4. It's a relief the work has finished.

5. I received your parcel today.

6. How much do you weigh?

7. I'll be brief.

8. Never forget that we live in a multicultural society

9. What's the height of this wardrobe?

10. My neighbours/neighbors (American) are friendly.

11. This freezer is very efficient.

12. Would you like your receipt?

How did you do?

Keep going over the lesson and exercises so you get the rule in your long-term memory. Doing something once isn’t going to help you remember things.

Keep revising, reviewing and repeating to remember.

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Click here for more spelling rules lessons.