Which is correct?
I'm truly grateful for all your help. This is truly one of the most misspelled words. I'm truly sorry. Yours truly, Joanne.
Exception to the rule
truly is made up of true + ly = truly and is an exception to keep the 'e' when adding -ly and consonant suffixes rule.
true (drop the 'e') + ly = truly
We have a couple more words that end in -ue that drop the 'e':
due + ly = duly
argue + ment = argument
The 'e' was probably dropped because it looks cleaner without e, and the 'u' makes the long vowel sound anyway without the 'e' next to it.
Memory tricks
See the end -uly pattern in It's truly hot in July. Please duly note that I'm truly sorry about July.
Word family with true
true/untrue, truly
truth (is without the 'e' ), untruth, truthful/untruthful, truthfully/untruthfully, truthfulness
I truly need to know the truth.
A truly magnificent job.
I'm truly grateful for everything.
Truthfully, I'm truly sorry about how the truth came out.
This is a truly remarkable achievement.
Click here to go to the Adding -ly spelling rule.
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