how to Spell: definitely

Which is the correct spelling?

The trouble with these multiple choice quizzes is you think you know the spelling then they throw in a spelling that looks so right, but by using memory tricks and strategies you can pick the correct one.
a. definately
b. definetely
c. definitely
d. definitly

Definitely is definitely a great word but it's definitely a devil to spell, and is in the top ten of most misspelled words by native speakers. It's definitely a useful word to spell along with its relations definite, indefinite, indefinitely

We're going to look at some strategies to help us remember how to spell 'definitely'.

Let's break the word down into a prefix, root word and suffix - what are they? What's the root word?

prefix + root word + suffix
de + finite + ly 

Or break it into syllables - say it slowly and exaggerate the syllables: “def / in / ite / ly” 

A good strategy is seeing vowels in words: definitely. Notice the i's either side of the n and two e’s

Also you can use the word-within-a-word strategy. Can you see "in it"? And see the e’s either side of 'in it' — def in it ely 

Memory trick
writit definitely in it

Or see the letter -ite pattern: bite, write, kite, definite* (*unstressed "ite" so exaggerate it)

Use whatever works for you, no matter how crazy.

Good spellers use these tricks all the time to help them - check out the Spelling Tip 5: Using memory tricks video

You must work at and study spelling; notice it, think about it, question it and take notes.

Taking notes, writing your thoughts, and questioning helps to boost your retention/remembering by 50%. And, of course, you must write and use the spellings.

And that's where my new book comes in How to Spell the 20 Most Commonly Misspelled Words Spelling Workbook & Journal

It's a step-by step guide involving using memory tricks, drawing, writing and taking notes to learn how to spell words like definitely, necessary, separate, embarrassed, occasionally, achievement, liaison, reference, referring... Key words that are very useful to be able to spell accurately when you need them. 

The words are compiled from research carried out by the Oxford Dictionary, Oxford University Press, and Viviane Cook into spelling mistakes made by native speakers. They're often misspelled on job applications. So don't be the one to misspell them (like a lot of people). And that includes British and American English users. So it's ideal for Americans too!

Click here or on the picture below to find out more about the book

Check out the other Commonly Misspelled Word lessons