How to spell coolly
Which is correct?
a. Sam was shocked but Emma took it cooly.
b. Sam was shocked but Emma took it coolly.
This is the correct spelling — coolly
Please think this through calmly and coolly.
Go really slowly, that's it, coolly does it.
Coolly is one of the most misspelled words globally. To spell it right you just need to know the adding -ly spelling rule.
cool + ly = coolly < double l
We usually keep the l when adding -ly, which means there's a double l (-lly)
It's similar to really > real + ly = really
final + ly = finally (another commonly misspelled word)
But with words ending in double l we just add 'y' or they'll be 3 l's,
hill + y = hilly
doll + y = dolly
More words ending in -l and adding -ly:
equal + ly = equally
global + ly = globally
formal + ly = formally
wool + ly = woolly
and cool + ly = coolly (remember two l's)
They handled the situation very coolly.
She nodded coolly and walked out.
He coolly denied everything.
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