Drop the 'e' spelling test

Pen and paper at the ready.

1. Press the player. 2. Write what you hear. Don’t worry about mistakes - enjoy and learn.

3. Check your spellings carefully letter by letter. Answers below.
4. Assess your mistakes and ask yourself what strategies you can use to help you remember the words.

Practice makes perfect


Spelling Test Sentences
Check your spelling letter by letter.

1. We're moving tomorrow. It's the first time I've ever moved house.

2. I'm having a party on Wednesday evening.

3. I'm writing to complain about the poor service in your restaurant.

4. Every Saturday I used to go swimming but since changing my job I'm always tired.

5. I'm the new manager of this shop and manage the staff. I'm managing OK but it's hard.

6. The weather is changeable at the moment.

7. The sensible thing to do is to keep agreeing with the management.

8. He has a noticeable lack of enthusiasm for the job.

9. She has an incredible imagination.

10. I'm truly sorry about the argument we had.