Spelling days correctly is important for your life. We need days for notes, for booking appointments, for sending emails and confirming dates, etc.

You can use a spell check but if you have to spend valuable minutes trying to figure out the first few letters to type in then you’ll get angry with yourself and feel stupid and awful

How did you do? Try the exercise below.

Click here for a video on some memory trick and strategies to remember the spelling of days.

Keep going over the lesson and exercises so you get the rule in your long-term memory. Doing something once isn’t going to help you remember things.

Keep revising, reviewing and repeating to remember.

Days of the Week Quiz & Exercise

Type the days of the week in the box. Then check the spelling by pressing the Get answer! button. Check the spelling carefully. Don't forget the capital letter at beginning of the word.
1: M________

2: T___________

3: W__________

4: T_______________

5: F__________

6: S_____________

7: S___________