Common Misspellings Spelling Test - letter c

More more spelling information pop over to my website Answers with spelling strategies to remember the words 1. calendar (Check the day it's taking place on your calendar.) Can you see the vowels? a___e___a cal en dar 2. Caribbean ( They're going on a Caribbean cruise next week.) Carib + bean - Carib is the chocolate bean = Caribbean 3. cemetery (She was buried in the local cemetery) Notice all the "e's" cem e tery Memory trick: Cover with earth in a cemetery 4. chauffeur (not a very common word but important if you're a chauffeur) (He's a chauffeur and drives people around all day.) 5. colleague col + league (My colleague is on maternity leave so I'm covering for her.) col + league = colleague 6. coming (Are you coming to the pub later?) come + drop the e with -ing = coming 7. committee (There's a committee meeting on Tuesday) Memory trick: Many Meetings Take Time Everyone's Exhausted 8. completely ( Defrost it completely) complete + ly = completely Also: complete, completed, completing, completeness, completion 9. conscious (He was suddenly conscious of everyone looking at him.) We say "con shush" - the 'sci' makes a "sh" sound con + sci + ous Also: consciously, conscientious, conscientiousness, self-conscious, semi-conscious, fashion-conscious 10. curiosity (Curiosity got the better of me, so I called him) curio + sity = curiosity or curious drop the "u" + ity = curiosity Also: curious, curiously

Press the player above and write what you hear. When you've finished check your spelling letter by letter - ask yourself

  • What mistakes did I make?

  • Can I use any strategies to help me remember the spellings, such as:

    memory tricks, syllable breakdown, word within a word?



1. calendar  (Check the day it's taking place on your calendar.)
Can you see the vowels? a___e___a caen da

2. Caribbean  ( They're going on a Caribbean cruise next week.)
Carib + bean - Carib is the chocolate bean  = Caribbean

3. cemetery  (She was buried in the local cemetery)
Notice all the "e's" cee tery
Memory trick: Cover with earth in a cemetery

4. chauffeur (not a very common word but important if you're a chauffeur)  (He's a chauffeur and drives people around all day.)

5. colleague col + league (My colleague is on maternity leave so I'm covering for her.)
col + league = colleague

6. coming (Are you coming to the pub later?)
come + drop the e with -ing = coming

7. committee (There's a committee meeting on Tuesday)
Memory trick: Many Meetings Take Time Everyone's Exhausted

8. completely ( Defrost it completely)
complete + ly = completely
Also: complete, completed, completing, completeness, completion

9. conscious  (He was suddenly conscious of everyone looking at him.)
We say "con shush" - the 'sci' makes a "sh" sound
con + sci + ous
Also: consciously, conscientious, conscientiousness, self-conscious, semi-conscious, fashion-conscious 

10. curiosity (Curiosity got the better of me, so I called him)
curio + sity = curiosity or curious drop the "u" + ity = curiosity
Also: curious, curiously