Common Misspellings Spelling Test - letter c
Press the player above and write what you hear. When you've finished check your spelling letter by letter - ask yourself
What mistakes did I make?
Can I use any strategies to help me remember the spellings, such as:
memory tricks, syllable breakdown, word within a word?
1. calendar (Check the day it's taking place on your calendar.)
Can you see the vowels? a___e___a cal en dar
2. Caribbean ( They're going on a Caribbean cruise next week.)
Carib + bean - Carib is the chocolate bean = Caribbean
3. cemetery (She was buried in the local cemetery)
Notice all the "e's" cem e tery
Memory trick: Cover with earth in a cemetery
4. chauffeur (not a very common word but important if you're a chauffeur) (He's a chauffeur and drives people around all day.)
5. colleague col + league (My colleague is on maternity leave so I'm covering for her.)
col + league = colleague
6. coming (Are you coming to the pub later?)
come + drop the e with -ing = coming
7. committee (There's a committee meeting on Tuesday)
Memory trick: Many Meetings Take Time Everyone's Exhausted
8. completely ( Defrost it completely)
complete + ly = completely
Also: complete, completed, completing, completeness, completion
9. conscious (He was suddenly conscious of everyone looking at him.)
We say "con shush" - the 'sci' makes a "sh" sound
con + sci + ous
Also: consciously, conscientious, conscientiousness, self-conscious, semi-conscious, fashion-conscious
10. curiosity (Curiosity got the better of me, so I called him)
curio + sity = curiosity or curious drop the "u" + ity = curiosity
Also: curious, curiously