Common Misspellings Spelling Test - letter a
Press the player above. When you've finished check your spelling letter by letter - ask yourself
What mistakes did I make?
Can I use any strategies to help me remember the spellings, such as: memory tricks, syllable breakdown, word within a word?
1. accommodation (There's a lack of cheap accommodation in London.)
memory trick - 2 Cots with 2 Mattresses
Also: accommodate, accommodating (drop the 'e' with -ing rule)
2. achieve ( I want to achieve great things.)
i before e except after c rule
Also: achievement, achieving (drop the 'e' with -ing rule)
3. across (There's a bus stop just across the road.)
a + cross = across
4. aggressive (He's so aggressive in meetings.)
ggr!!! ss
Also: aggression, aggressor
5. apparently (Apparently, she resigned because she had an argument with her boss.)
Can you see the parent in apparently? ap + parent + ly = apparently
Also: apparent
6. appearance (The twins are almost identity in appearance.)
ap + pear + ance = appearance appearance
Also: appear, appearing, appeared
7. argument (I had an argument with my boss yesterday.)
argue + ment (drop the 'e') = argu+ment = argument
Memory trick: Think of gum when you chew on an argument arGUMent
Also: argumentative, arguing, argued
8. assassination (There was an assassination attempt on the president today.)
ass + ass + in + ation or 4 words in ass + ass + i + nation
Also: assassin, assassinate